Life Story Coaching

  • Post last modified:June 4, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Your Life is a Story

“I’m the one who writes my own story. 

I decide the person I’ll be.

What goes in the plot and what does not,

Is pretty much up to me.”

                         from “My Story” by Carolyn Pearson

What stories are you telling yourself about what you can – or can’t do? Say? Feel? Think? Accomplish?

Whether you are fighting pain, want to change a habit, find more abundance in your life, or improve your relationships, there is a way to make positive changes in your life.

Discovering the underlying causes for pain, undesirable habits, a lack mentality, or unhappy relationships is easier with a life story coach using tools such as the Emotion Code, Body Code, EFT, and other alternative healing tools.

We work together to identify and release negative energy, negative beliefs – negative stories, so the you can re-write the story.  I do not claim to heal anyone or anything. True healing is an inside job.

“Anyone who claims to be able to heal others is either ignorant, mistaken, arrogant, or delusional. All they are doing is providing the resonant energy to allow others to heal themselves.”                                                  ––Richard Gordon, “Quantum Touch

“…No physician can heal. He can only provide a satisfactory environment and situation so that the body may use its own God-given power of re-creation to build itself.”                                                                                   ––Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball

 In a 1971 study, Albert Mehrabian, a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at UCLA did two studies that showed that listeners relied 7% on the actual words said, 38% on vocal elements and intonation, and 55% on facial cues to to match words they heard with pictures of faces.

As a life story coach, I listen – with empathy and intuition. Words alone convey only a small percentage of what we say. The tone of voice, body language, and emotions combine to communicate a message.

My goal is to listen to what you are communicating, and then assist you in creating harmony and health in mind, body, and spirit using energy medicine modalities that include the Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code and EFT.

 Life is a story in process. Our stories are influenced by many things: our heredity, our culture, our beliefs, our environment, our thoughts, feelings, and words. Because of this each story is unique.

Just as our fingerprints are unique to us individually, I believe we each have a soul print. There is no one else exactly like you. 

Make an appointment now to see how changing your story can change your life.